Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Board of Ed on college and career readiness

sorry, a few tweets, but no notes on Lawrence
Now a PowerPoint on college and career readiness; you can read the Commissioner's memo here.
career development education
"majority of our students and the vast majority of our low income students have to work while pursuing post secondary education"
reason many drop out due to finance
working and education are done together rather than one after the other
"thinking to do and work to do while students are in K-12 on career ready and college ready"
or does that mean we have work to do on how we provide higher ed?
Advisory group to "keep pushing this work forward"
what are you tracking? Student, school, and employer level: schools offering career development activity, increase number of students participating, and number of employees participating
want 100,000 9-10th grade students doing career awareness exploration activities and 75,000 11-12th grade students participating in career immersion activities by 2017
"conscious development of a set of skills that facilitate and sometimes compliment academic skills"
wish to increase school to career line item in DESE budget
have to have employer engagement: "it's a combination of sales and account management"
"upward trajectory is really dependant on increase in funding"
"the last thing I want to say is this has got to be the year"
has hopes of Jim Peyser, as former Board chair
"this item historically never dipped below $4M...slipped all the way to $2.7M after last week's 9C cuts"
"three legs of the stool that students in our schools need to sit on"
by which he means academic, social/personal development, workplace readiness
need to make sure stool becomes more balanced
spend a lot of time getting kids college ready, but we need to get kids job ready, "because that's where they'll spend the bulk of their life"
big pitch here for increased funding for next year
looking for track of what happened in pilots that have run
Board "should consider incorporating career development education into what we measure and assess"

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