Thursday, August 21, 2014

Teacher survey results (TELL-Mass)

to collect perception data on the condition of teaching in the schools
administered initially in 2012
at least 50% of school-based licensed educators in order to access data, and Worcester met that
WPS had 56.3% participation; the state had 48.1%
You can find the results here
"we can draw some generalizations" due to high participation
very good news in nearly every category
facilities "have done some investment and need to continue to invest"
several items related to access to technology
"this year teachers will have a full year of quality technology"
concerns around facilities: "a lot of investment" in these
"one area where the district did not meet or exceed state" level
keeping community involved in student learning
parental engagement: "learning more about what teachers are considering involvement in schools"
88% of those asked in Worcester say their school is safe
teacher leadership "validating teacher leadership and teacher voice"
"how deeply the practices are in getting to the classroom"
Petty: for people who took the survey; was every school over 50%? No. Individual schools get individual data if they're over 50%.
Glad to see teachers and administrators think things are going in the right direction
technology "put funds aside to address that"
parent involvement "you're going to try to see what is going on with that?"
Boone: constant, "great variety of economic diversity in our schools, perception of how parents can best support their children and their individual learnign styles"
immigrant population: in many other countries, educators are regarded as the experts and education happens at school
work at what that means and what that looks like
a number of partners who have are supporting that
Petty: school leadership, seems to be going in the right direction
"overall, it's a good report"
O'Connell: have made progress and are moving in the right direction
have some areas that we can focus on in a very constructive way
technology worries me "spending significant on technology"
need to be aggressive as we can to make the broadband access
parental decision making: "even though we have site councils"
involve teachers as extensively as we can
"have made progress...can make it better still"
Foley "very pleased with the numbers...a place for people with issues to bring up to bring them up"
"always room for improvement in any district"
"have professionals that are working together"
curious on how we do relative to other urban districts: Boone
Novick: professional leadership in particular impressive, when we hear teachers nationally saying that they aren't listened to; respected and listened to locally is important
parent having a role in decision making: site councils are a welcome and needed voice
technology spending necessary and overdue; supplies need more spending as well
Biancheria: principals have access and can relay to their staff (either of building level data or of district data)
technology portion of this: "what we're doing across the city due construction" wiring going in
"are we seeing improvements as the months go by of the machines working correctly and being on?"
Boone: new machines largely coming in after the survey was taken
readiness for school year? absolutely. Most were done before the end of last school year
will be part of opening of school report
Biancheria: have now made investments in technology, hope to see impact
Monfredo: thank admin, positive report
"it's only as good as the follow-up"

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