Monday, June 23, 2014

School Accountability Plans

reminder from Biancheria that we don't approve or make changes
We have the ones from Gates Lane, Burncoat Prep, and Tatnuck Magnet tonight
Perda: "pretty much random, except I tried to get some distribution across the accountability levels"
all schools stick to the district-provided template for providing plans; all aligned to district accountability plans:
  • student achievement
  • safe and secure schools
  • parent and community engagement
  • communication
in cycle of reflection ahead of developing plans next year
Biancheria: do they speak with parents on developing?
dates and times? due to admin, but presentation to school site councils at the time
still tweaking of document that takes place: peer review by other principals
reviewed by accountability office, and quadrant office both on measurements and on interventions
then posted online in late fall
Perda: preliminary ELA MCAS data released to schools today for schools to start looking at 
"whether or not the instructional piece that they've put into place is working"
O'Connell: very specific role "in order to ensure consistency with the district accountability plan and three year action plan"
role of parents: parity of members of staff in school on site council, some achieved that
reminder to principals ensure that when site council convene that they have parity (Ch. 71, sec. 59c); thus follow composition of site council and makeup of them
site councils often meet at times that parents cannot make; of concern
Novick: do they ever not use MCAS?
Yes, but not often.
So what will we do next year? ...still to be determined...
concerned that we are lowering or raising the number rather than reaching the outcome wished for
(You can lower the number of student office referrals; that doesn't necessarily make the school any safer)
Not everything important that happens in a school fits in the box; concern with making something go up or down a number, not with what that means for the child, the school, or community

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