Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Chapter 74 and Perkins funded courses

Novick asks about the discontinuation of the agriculture program a few years ago due to lack of interest; with YouthGROW, NOFA conference, community gardens, much farming happening within Worcester right now. Any inquiries for an ag program?
Brenner: not as yet, but sees the need. Willing to explore with community. Would need to look for appropriate placement

Biancheria reviewing numbers: total of 30 students in environmental science, 27 in HVAC, 17 in machine tool technology...are they all in one class? Depends on class. A week and B week
Brenner bringing home machining (from overseas)
changing perception  of machine shop: not "old dirty machine" shops of the past
careers in manufacturing
Biancheria: "what worries me is that we have some courses that have low numbers"
Brenner: also some overlap in manufacturing cluster: machining, sheet metalworking, welding
"industry in this area is saying 'we need skilled laborers'"
Biancheria: "we're missing what we should be doing"
Brenner: built a college pipeline, have the career pipeline, now need to get the kids
metal fabrication
"who you have doing your freshmen exploratory" can make a difference
Biancheria referencing the amount of money that a vocational student counts for in the foundation budget ($12,894) versus a regular high school student ($8,456) 'though we should note that about 2/3 of that comes from the state; it isn't all state funding.
How are we promoting the non-Chapter 74 programs in our comprehensive high schools?
Brenner: elective courses, students can choose those courses
Biancheria: are any of the non-Chapter 74 courses possible to transition to Chapter 74 courses?
need to start with a certified teacher, need to bring in Bureau of Labor Statistics and others, industry advisory panel
"nobody is that close there" in the coming year
work done in Marketing at Doherty, in automotive at Burncoat, early childhood at South towards that
"looking at all of the current career and tech ed programs"
Brenner speaks of inadequacy of funding; need for capital funds..."that $4000 needs to follow the vocational students because of the supplies alone"
"solicit the supplies there...we'd be shutting those programs down" due to lack of supplies need for 501 (c)3
Brenner speaks of mandated lower student/teacher ratio due to safety
Biancheria asks for additional avenues for non Chapter 74 courses
non-Chapter 74 for Reach and Challenge (culinary is coming, but if it doesn't work out...the Fanning kitchen is being rehabbed right now to make this work)
"the benefits certainly outweigh the costs"

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