Thursday, February 7, 2013

To consider an additional appropriation

Boone: not one time funds, will carry over into coming fiscal year
challenge of allocation and what we do with it
issues and needs
went back to $5 million request for additional appropriation; how close we had gotten to those goals
have included only a few personnel items
for filling a position, would be close to the end of the fiscal year
instructional materials, teacher training,
free up that money for next year
different make-up for next fiscal year as a result
able to use them in the four remaining months of this fiscal year
address past and current needs
adjustment to NSS line item
parking lot lease: issues around Gates Lane School ; large school on a small footprint
city has asked us to address the parking issue

O'Connell: thanks City Manager and City Council
this parking lot "is a very important one"
money for teams that they can  no longer raise for themselves

Novick: making a motion to remove the high school graduation improvement specialist $45,000
add that money to instructional materials specifically for elementary libraries (that's about $3.35 per pupil)

Boone: pull together work being done
students on the cusp of graduation to getting to that point
part of the goal
look at academic trends of North High School: lower tier of Level 3 schools
"either take the path of allowing a school to become Level 4, or take the path of exercising local control...and not wait for sanctions"

Monfredo: "can all find areas that need the resources"
support original allocation

Petty: additional funding for schools
appreciate a team effort;
North needs support, make appropriate recommendations (supports original allocation)

Biancheria: everything on here except for improvement specialist
"regret that it reads 'North High School'"
a school that opened its doors and is offering terrific, terrific programs
extremely difficult for me to say that I'd like to see the money going somewhere else
$35,000 going to a position to work with our students and our families for graduation rate that is better
UMass has an office at North High School and work with our students every day
"moneys that we don't often see"
"would like to see money going to our libraries...perhaps we could help Reach and Challenge with an adjustment counselor either full time or part time"
"North is not our only school"
motion of $25,000 for an adjustment counselor and $20,000 for libraries

member of the public: school counseling degree, had high hopes that I could work with lots and lots of students...having graduation person, doing really important work with those kids
"if North High School came to the district and asked for this position, then they need it"

Monfredo: if adminstration says it's needed, then it's needed
Petty: support recommendation; ensure we need a high graduation
Colorio: "my hesitation here is data...concern with additional administrators that we see...what's the data that supports this...hesitant on this position also"
Boone: looked a number of models of support high school graduation across the district
states investing in graduation coaches at underperforming schools
North High School has lowest graduation rate in Worcester Public Schools; five year history of declining graduation rate with the exception of
lowest tier of Level 3 districts
success of students on MCAS
"if the committee wants me to turn a blind eye to that..."
strong faculty there; adjustments and things they could do to support their work and what they could do for their students

$45,000 HELD
The remainder passes

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