Friday, October 26, 2012

Teresa Harvey-Jackson calls out the Boston School Committee, Superintendent, Mayor

It was announced Monday by Boston Public School officials that the Marshall Elementary in Dorchester will become an in-district charter next year (pending votes by the School Committee and the state Board of Ed). "In district" means it is nominally under the control of the School Committee, though they are bringing in Unlocking Potential to run the school.
At Wednesday night's Boston School Committee meeting, Teresa Harvey-Jackson, who has been principal of the Marshall School for decades and retires next week, called out the School Committee, Superintendent Carol Johnson, and Mayor Tom Menino for their lack of support for the school. Her testimony starts at minute 40.
(alas, BPS is not set up for video embedding. More's the pity.)

1 comment:

  1. Watch Teresa Harvey-Jackson, principal of Marshall Elementary School, testimony regarding proposal to turn the Marshall Elementary School into an In District Charter


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