Thursday, July 19, 2012

Process for selecting a new special education manager

Timetable suggested here
publishing as we go

Foley: longstanding history in working in special education
one of five positions that we step forward and do the hiring and do it well
"what we learned is that our involvement directly took a great deal of time...and frankly we weren't as successful as we might have been"
last time interviewed in this chamber
"do what we do well...make decisions based on recommendations made to us"
"tight market right now..."
speaks of expertise of Boone and Rodriguez
tight timetable
parents engaged in this process: buy in
final decision rests with us as a School Committee "as recommended by the Superintendent and our designee"
then hire, interview, or turn back
qualified acting special education director
"I think this is a prudent way to go"

Biancheria: notes that our meeting is on September 13 rather than the 6
only advertising in the Globe and the T&G?
Boone notes that EdWeek has a different publication schedule in the summer
Brophy: put the application on SchoolSpring which is a national web system, which will reach across the country
salary range? "commensurate with experience and the same window" as other managers
limiting who we have as a field; "I am sure that we would be able to have quite the variety of people apply"
"very delicate area"
MOTION to hold pending more information
Petty notes that motion to hold is non-debatable

Monfredo: most people look on the website for those jobs
asks that we add EdWeek
agree with Mr. Foley on the process

O'Connell: monitor what school districts across the country are doing
"a variety of approaches to hiring a special education director"
including parents in the process, important that this is included

  1. do not have a large pool of candidates; many districts looking for special education directors
  2. do not have much time (it's midsummer)
  3. very short time frame to conduct interviews
a number of designees that are part of the process; every committee member a part of the process, as they wish to do so
crucial that we do this absolutely right
12 day opening from advertising to application
suggests deadline of September 3
committee members involved at all levels
final interviews here publicly
"important that we bring in the best candidates from across the country"
Boone: would you oppose to closing this out in October? Making it difficult for someone to leave their current job if we leave it until November
O'Connell: accepts the change
"if three or four School Committee members wish to attend the interview, they may..."

Colorio: support the extension of the deadline
search for Dean: "important that we had a long time for applicants to apply"
"the larger it gets the more complicated it gets"
"I don't think the free flowing, in and out...would support increasing to two" School Committee members
Boone: "members of the senior leadership team"
sought input from community groups, students, 
have invited principals to be a part of it before
"whether it becomes an open process" determined by the number of School Committee members on the group
"people don't necessarily expect a public interview"

Petty: had a process worked well for Chief Academic Officer
"what concerns me...very competitive process"
"we need to get this resolved as quick as possible"
agrees with O'Connell's dates
"we can't have posted meetings...add another School Committee member"

Novick: interview in public with full committee

Motion to hold fails

some discussion here on what point we're voting: are we having a single candidate come back to the full committee or are we having multiple candidates come back to the full committee?

Consensus on different dates, having parents involved, two designees from SC

Vote then on whether we're getting a single recommendation from admin or multiple candidates to be interviewed

Single candidate motion: fails 3-4
multiple candidates coming back to the committee for interview: passes 4-3

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