Monday, April 2, 2012

You asked, WPS answered: School Nutrition

Given the recent attention to school nutrition, I've gotten some additional questions on how the Worcester Public Schools handles feeding our students. I passed them off to Donna Lombardi, Director of School Nutrition (who falls into my personal category of " People who you never see or hear of who are doing vital work really well"), who passed back the following information:
It helps to know that we have schools that have kitchens and schools that do not. 
Beef ("pink slime" free) is on the menu every other week in elementary schools; twice a week in the secondary schools. 
I was asked how we handle vegetarian options:
At our schools without kitchens (which is most of our elementary schools) we "always have sunflower butter/jelly sandwiches on whole grain and yogurt every day.  There is also the cereal and yogurt option every day.   We are working on (and it is just about finished) a granola with sunflower seeds (contribution to the protein requirement) that if paired w/yogurt, fruit, veg, and milk would qualify as a reimbursable meal.  I am working on making the new granola meal an option at the schools – yogurt parfait."
At our elementary schools with kitchens, we have another option: "when the staff prepares the entrée, there is generally a version without meat 2-3 x per week: grilled cheese, rotini/sauce, pizza, rice & beans, etc."
Secondary schools (middle and high) have a vegetarian entrée every day.  Some of the student have asked for “vegan” and under the new regulations, we can use tofu for the protein requirement, so we are starting to work on a tofu entree.
In terms of allergies, our kitchens are peanut-free (thus the sunflower butter/jelly option above). Other allergies are handled on a student-by-student basis.
And...letters go out next week to all elementary students about online meal payment!
Thanks, Donna!

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