Friday, April 27, 2012

More of a summary on FY13 thus far

When we last left you, we were facing a $1.3 million budget gap for FY13, which was being closed by a project cut of 19 elementary positions. Here's where last night, after much number crunching on the part of the finance department, ended up last night.

Expenses for FY13 are increasing by $17 million.
Funding (from state and city) is increasing by $11.4 million.
This leaves us with a budget gap of $5.6 million which is proposed to be closed by the following:

$1 million savings in building utilities*
$1 million in health insurance savings** 
$1 million in special ed tuition savings***
$0.6 million due to a cut of 6 teaching positions****
$0.5 million in one-time textbook expenses
$0.2 million in unemployment*****
$0.1 million in savings from ending the early retirement benefit
$0.1 million in savings from Jobs for Bay State Grads
$1.1 million from all other areas

May 9 at North High at 6 pm is the public comment session. Please come!

*(you might remember the Committee has set this aside for environmental work; you'll see that in the budget)
**continued savings due to migration due to health insurance changes in contract
***The biggest chunk of this due to a rate freeze from the special ed collaborative for member districts.
****3 elementary, 1 teaching assistant principal, 4 high school positions
*****if you don't lay people off, you don't have to pay unemployment.


  1. In order to participate in the public comments and let your voice be heard about teacher cuts, do you have to sign up in advance or can anyone who is there get up and speak?

  2. Mitch, there's usually a sign up at the door, just so the chair can call people forward. No need to sign up in advance.


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