Monday, December 19, 2011

Teacher Evaluation Requirements

This will be going to negotiations (or at least some of it will), so we're getting something of an update. Specifics on implementing the regulations from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Ed are coming out on January 10, so there's only so much information we have now.
Level 4 districts and RTTT districts (we are both) have jumped on this early.
"The teachers will be a part of developing their goals"
Boone further notes that this will also change how we evaluate principals and all "instructional leaders," including the superintendent
The District Management Council will be facilitating the process, through state funding.

There are four areas in which teachers will be evaluated:
  1. curriculum, planning, and assessment
  2. teaching all students
  3. family and community engagement
  4. professional culture
For principals, the four are:
  1. instructional leadership
  2. management and operations
  3. family and community partnerships
  4. professional culture
Note that for teachers, the first two are required to be proficient; for principals, the first is.

Action must be outlined as well as how it will be evaluated.
Require that you use evidence for your plan.
Plan may evolve over time.

O'Connell: often a battleground
mentions other states in which half of assessments are tied to test scores, etc

O'Brien: "We don't want to create a disincentive to go to challenged schools"
"there are differences within a city"

Biancheria notes that this is ongoing and being worked on

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