Thursday, November 17, 2011

Very much not liveblog of School Committee

I have not yet gotten the password to log in at Tech, so no liveblog tonight. (Also, the bronchitis has taken my voice, so not many comments from me tonight, either!) A few notes in retrospect, however:

 As expected, the reconsideration of  Superintendent Boone's contract failed, 3-4. (And should you wonder, Mr. O'Connell more-or-less made the arguments I would have regarding timing, previous contracts, and concerns.)
 The School Committee voted raises for non-unionized personnel of 2% effective July
We got the elementary class size report. Per previous conversations, the big classes are due to lack of space in those schools. Mr. Allen explained that we are not yet at capacity--there is still space in some schools, which the Parent Information Center is letting parents know of--but that we will need to begin having conversations around the space. We'll also get a middle and high school report on class size.
We voted to accept the (popular) Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program grant.
The teacher evaluation item was held (as we got to it at 10 pm) for the second meeting running...hopefully December 1?


1 comment:

  1. In regards to your reconsideration of Superintendent Boone's contract I read Clive McFarlane's column last week criticizing the call for the vote. One thing that he and the other critics really should note is that one of the School Committee's jobs is to hold the Superintendent accountable. And this is one of those ways to do that duty.


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