Thursday, February 17, 2011

FY12 budget update

...based on the Governor's budget
Boone: "this represents another difficult year in a trend of very difficult years"
notes elementary numbers up and the inflation factor being positive this year

highlights of what has changed since the last update in December (where we were $8.3 million projected deficit)
cost areas increase by a total of $11 million ($4.7 million for health insurance; $2.8 million in salaries (with NO raises); $1 million increased in charter school change; special ed tuition up $1 million; $712,000 up in bus contract PLUS new transportation needs; all other $533,956)
WPS is increasing by 280 more students
shift in enrollment of 1316 to ELL
inflation increase of 1.78% (note that this is different than what the state was telling us in December)
ALL OF THIS is why the Ch. 70 numbers are changing

Governor's budget does maintain foundation
BUT 3/4 of communities are seeing their Ch. 70 aid go DOWN (Worcester is unusual in this respect)
Level funded kindergarten grant, charter school reimbursement
restoration of circuit breaker funding to prior-to-stimulus-levels
Ch.70 aid going up by $9.6 million
city contribution going up by $1.4 million
state is also backfulling $3.6 million from federal money lost (stimulus and edu jobs)
total revenue change then only goes up by $4.4 million
WHICH GIVES US at $6.6 million deficit
OR 134 positions; 3.6% of the workforce

possible savings is health insurance: possible savings of 58 jobs (or $2.9 million)
Administration does NOT plan to close elementary schools, nor does the administration plan to cut AP and arts classes, athletics

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