Friday, December 10, 2010

Sanders on education

I don't know if you're watching Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont filibuster the tax bill (he's been going four and half hours as I type this); he had this to say on education:

..that we as a people said, no matter what your status is, that we are going to provide you with a great education...that's great. ../does anyone believe that we here in the United States take intellectual development seriously? ..that we reward people who do child care? What are we doing as a nation?
If we are not going to become a third world nation, we have got to start our educational infrastructure...
Are we nuts? What are we saying to all of these young people?..when you invest in your kids, you invest in the future of America. How are they going to become productive members of society?
If you don't invest in your young people, they are not going to become productive workers...contributing their fair share.

1 comment:

  1. Bernie Sanders. The only Socialist in the Legislature, though the media insist on labeling him an Independent.


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