Thursday, December 16, 2010


question on whether the T&G editorial board reads their own newspaper
money from state and fed comes with rules around how we spend it: we are required to spend money in particular ways
Boston School Committee voted last night to close 18 schools
that will save only $10 million of a $63 million deficit that BPS is projecting
we're now above enrollment level we were at in FY07 when four elementary schools were closed (painful, long term planning)

what effect does a cut in local aid to the city have on the foundation budget?
the state (if it fully funds foundation) has to make up the difference (the part the city can no longer fund)

redistribution of ch.70: some districts have been held harmless (despite drops in enrollment) and/or have had minimum levels of aid increase ($25 per pupil); that's put some communities (largely suburban) over foundation
not surprised to see that redistributed this year (that will keep cities above foundation, but cut suburban districts)

We don't know federal grants (Title 1, IDEA)
We don't know, for certain, cost centers


  1. Can you provide a link to the questionable editorial?

  2. I will link above, 'though it will be behind the paywall.


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