Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gaming in high school

Item from Miss Biancheria requesting that the administration consider offering computer gaming at the high school level, and figuring out what our students need to be taking to be ready to major in gaming in high school.

1 comment:

  1. Do we even have adequate basic CompSci programming classes in place now as a "prerequisite" for gaming? If we don't have much beyond basic programming (not Just C++ or .NET, but things like graphics, networking, data storage) how can we "teach" "gaming"?
    Is this a proposal to teach the "art" of video game design, or the actual nuts and blots programming and implementation of a game once it is designed, or the whole shebang?

    My opinion is that a high-school-level program would not be that specific, but give students a solid foundation in Software design that could be applied to any portion of the software industry they are interested in.


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