Friday, October 22, 2010

Play in learning

Good article in the IndyStar about the importance of play for learning, particularly in kindergarten:
Play -- in all its various iterations -- is an essential component of kindergarten. And though it is sometimes criticized by pennywise critics who question the value of taxpayer-funded classrooms for young children, educators and scholars say play is the language kindergartners know best, making it a great tool for learning....
To take away playtime from a 5-year-old, McMullen said, schools might as well take away lunch. It's that essential to learning.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Must encourage play in grades K-3.

    Makes attending school more fun (so my daughter wants to go), and trick the kids into learning while playing!

    I remember doing my homework quickly, so I could play Racko, or Chess, or do a puzzle back in elementary school.



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