Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More innovation schools questions

Teacher from South High: what is our part in either accepting or rejecting what will happen at South High?
Mulqueen: a conversion: faculty will accept or not
a brand new school does not require a faculty vote
School Committee has the final authorization: even if a prospectus is accepted, final approval must come from School Committee
Sullivan Middle teacher: what is the planning committee?
"the proposal is really around accept the six steps and having those creating the proposals have some guidance...'here's what we think would be a really good'..give everyone something to get a footing one"
teacher points out that there is a template from the state for proposals
Mulqueen's partnership group (which, note, is NOT A STATE REQUIREMENT) would try to set the 11 essential conditions around the proposals
Mulqueen notes that this is HIS PROPOSAL for the School Committee to adopt, not adopt, or amend
Mulqueen says his only caution would be having a managable group size
teacher asks if they could get help on the finances
within the district, Mulqueen could offer support on proposals; can't offer that to groups outside
Promise Neighborhood grants: how does that affect innovation?
connection is that the Main South initiative connects as a way to support school performance: have to work out the details of what that looks like--a planning grant
school as a hub for activity
money? "any money would be speculation on my part" says Mulqueen
Parent of students at South: I don't see a lot of parents here
"we didn't get that for this particular meeting..you're talking about a grassroots program. The parents are the grassroots. A little concerned that this was slid by the parents..."
Mulqueen: "we have to start somewhere.. that we have a proposal doesn't mean it has to move forward"
why is the focus on the South quadrant?
"we have the right conditions, we have high need, we have some innovative practices going on" in the South quadrant
"don't want to do too much too quickly"
"sounds to me that it's how it's working" says the parent; focus ought to be on Level 4 schools
how would an innovation school academy change the schools that are already there?
Mulqueen: students would enroll (or not) in that school, which would be in that proposal
how quickly are you looking to implement all of this?
"I just don't understand, as a parent, how it would fit...they have pretty high numbers"
Mulqueen says it wouldn't bring in more numbers
Mulqueen says process isn't in place yet
parent says "now you have a process, there's something for you to understand here"
"I can't do that on my own independent of the School Committee"
Monfredo: it's in the inital stage
Biancheria: "I certainly can appreciate the anxiety of not hearing...this is to keep everyone informed...this is the first...this is a continuation of the discussion..to keep the conversation with teachers, parents, and the community involved"
comment on district "being forward thinking...learned something from that process...partnership group will allow for creation of plan and proposals...open, honest, transparent...make sure we have communication going back and forth"
how is this different from small schools, which were disbanded? and how do we know that it isn't going to be disbanded again?
Mulqueen says he doesn't want to keep repeating the past "doesn't show good learning"

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