Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hammering out the differences

inserting the word "rarely" before "taken away from students as a form of punishment/consequences"
.."shall include a break at mid-day at lunch"
"recess shall occur outside weather permitting"


  1. we started this year at Lake View with (new for us this year) recess before lunch - reports from the kids after 2 days = they think it is better

  2. thank you for your comments, that you do not post here, but that preceded these suggested revisions (especially regarding the lack of site council representation at all schools, the lack of a forum for input at all schools, and the notion that adults would not go 6 hours with only a 15 minute break)

  3. Jenith, I was thinking I'd go back and put something up...the weaknesses of liveblogging ones' own meeting...
    So excellent to hear a) that your principal was willing to try something new and b) that the kids like it. Keep me posted! And please thank your principal for me.


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