Monday, August 23, 2010

Worcester School Committee in session

It's a full week for the Worcester School Committee:

Today at 4pm, the subcommittee on Governance and Employee Issues is meeting. It's a one item agenda: dealing with the updated Open Meeting Law.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 4pm the subcommittee on Finance and Operations meets. Several items on that agenda: a revised policy on receiving grants (making it more public), a review of current grants (that's the 211 page list; if you have any questions on them, send them to me and I'll ask), a proposal for the capital expenditures, the usual quarterly update on finance, and creating a policy for advertising for the sign at Foley Stadium. Oh, and remember the pool at South High? We're getting a report back on how much it would cost to fix it (the answer? We don't know; do we want to spend money to find out?)

The full committee meets on Thursday at 4pm. The agenda is here. It includes a report back from the subcommittee on Teaching, Learning, and Student Supports; as well as the sort of stack of items you get when there hasn't been a meeting for a month!
(The subcommittee meetings are in room 410 at the Durkin Administration Building. The full committee meets in the Esther Howland chamber at City Hall.)

Also note that as of next week, the School Committee returns to the regular year first-and-third Thursday schedule.


  1. do you have a link to the 211 page list of grants

  2. T, I put in a new link above. It's off of the June 3 agenda (
    and the direct link is:

  3. thanks would the tech people consider posting in Word or rtf


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