Thursday, June 10, 2010

Union dues, agency fees, and North

I don't have a comment on the ongoing controversy at North over Major Godin's employment, except to point out that reading the relevant regulation is enlightening.
UPDATE: Here's the mayor on a joint School Committee comment.


  1. I'd be surprised if this applies to municipalities

  2. Section 150E specifies "any other employer."

  3. I was referring to the regulation you linked not the MGL. I will leave the MGL to the lawyers

  4. (Well, you made me double-check M.G.L. to be sure!)

  5. No comment?
    That's all you have to say?
    Thought you represented the citizens of Worcester? That's the propaganda you spewed in 2009.

    That's the most embarrassing incident that could take place in this town. And now its national.

    And you're in the middle of the latest fiasco. And all you can say is no comment.
    Do you have a backbone at least?

    The committee is an embarrassment to the city and the nation for not standing up to the union.
    Shame on them. Shame on you.

    Good job Novick.
    You're a credit to the unions.

  6. wonder whether the union will try to enforce section 150E

  7. T, we'll have to wait and see.
    Will, School Committee hires and fires only the superintendent, and we all have to follow both the law and the contract, like them or not.


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