Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ed Reform at 17: Reville

Reville: "critically important work on knitting together" education (WEC)
"how the past chapter of ed reform links up with the current chapter of ed reform"
"felicitious coincidence" of treating all children as our children with the economy requiring that majority of children have high level of education
"how do we do the job to design a system" that gets all students "to proficiency"
"our status is number one in the nation on so many levels"
"but doing well isn't good enough"
"I think we set the right goals; we meant it when we said all mean all"
right architecture of "standards, assessment"
"now have a negative equity gap" among districts
"to be sure we've differed on a lot of particulars...we disagree violently on strategies, but stick with the architecture moving forward"
"building that capacity...if teachers were equipted to educate all students at a high level, they would have been doing it; they wouldn't have waited for policy"
"the beauty of this reform is it keeps us coming back to that core" of teachers, students, curriculum didn't emphasize enough starting early
seeing kids coming into kindergarten with 1/3 the vocabulary of their peers; "gaps that show up very early that tend to get wider with time" (this is evident as early as 1 1/2)
undeniable corralation between poverty and educational attainment: "we can't ignore the relationship there"
"can't ignore that we have kids that don't get to school in the first place..and have things that get in the way once they're there"
"a whole host of issues that get in the way...15-20% of the waking hours" are spent in school
working on "that transaction" between teacher and student
working on "the whole host of issues" surrounding the schools
"the time shouldn't be the constant; the standard should be the constant...a client-centered program with the child"
to hold jobs, to be citizens, to be heads of families
"underline the urgency of getting the job we've started done successfully"

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