Monday, May 31, 2010

WPS and the week ahead

Short week...much going on....
  • On Tuesday, both the standing committee on Governance and Employee Issues (5 pm), and the standing committee on Teaching, Learning, and Student Supports (5:30 pm) are meeting at the Durkin Administration Building. GEI will be approving the changes to the WPS Student Handbook, and TLSS is looking at science textbooks for grades 1-6. (Neither agenda appears to be online...nor is either meeting posted on the school website, though you can find notice of it on the city website.)
  • On Tuesday (Union Hill) and Thursday (Chandler Elementary) of this week, the Level 4 schools stakeholder groups are meeting again. Those meetings have been moved as of last week: Union Hill is meeting in Walker Hall at Worcester Academy (Walker Hall is straight in front of you as you come through the gate), and Chandler Elementary at Worcester Common Ground (7-11 Bellevue Street). As always, meetings are open to the public.
  • Wednesday is the annual preschool and kindergarten open houses for all incoming preschool and kindergarten students.
  • On Thursday, the School Committee meets at 4 pm in budget session (as it will also do on June 17). That will be followed by an executive session at 6 pm, and a regular meeting at 7 pm. Once that agenda is posted, you'll find there's a sizable back-up; that's the complete list of grants for WPS for 2009-2010.


  1. Don't forget CPPAC tomorrow (Tuesday) night at the library. (If anyone goes, tell them to update "their" website: it says "Next CPPAC meeting is Tuesday, March 2, 2010")

    And Wednesday is the question/answer session on Worcester East Middle.

    You're going to need to clone yourself!

  2. You aren't kidding. I'm not even going to be able to make the WEMS meeting, as I'm chairing another meeting, completely unrelated to School Committee.
    And yes, CPPAC. Dr. Boone is tonight's guest, I believe.


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