Monday, May 10, 2010

Stimulus funds

And the next time someone tells you the federal stimulus funds didn't do anything, tell them that Worcester would have laid off 500 teachers in the last two years without it.
And then ask them how we would have taught 24,000 kids after losing one-seventh of our staff.


  1. can you show your math on how you arrived at 500?

  2. Sure:
    We got $16 million in stimulus funds this year.
    Plus, we got $8 million in Title 1 and special ed stimulus funds this year.
    $24 million together is 480 teachers.

  3. Knowing math isn't your strong suit, try dividing the 24 by an teachers average salary.

    And it just wasn't teachers was it now? The bureaucracy took a chunk outta that number too right?

    So it really wasn't 480 was it?

  4. Will,
    That is an average teacher's salary.
    And it all went to teachers' salaries.

  5. Wow girl, you let one through.

    Feeling kinda sassy huh?

    Sorry, can't accept you "lite" explanation.

    Please digress.

    PS ya not gonna delete my comments later are ya? Ya see all the comments I post around Wusta blogs I get 10 cents which I then give to a registered charity. But they have to stay visible for 1 year.

  6. Will, generally I post everyone's comments, unless they attack someone personally.
    The stimulus funds had to go in particular places, particularly the special ed and Title 1. The funds that usually would go there were transferred to the teachers' salary account, and the stimulus covered the Title 1 and special ed funding.

  7. Nope! Gotta see numbers.

    Contrary to popular belief you bureaucrats don't like to leave paper trails, do ya?

  8. It's all in the subcommittee reports, all of which are online ( If you're interested, I'd start with January.

  9. i thought some of the 24 million covered more than a year of a teachers salary, that would reduce the number of teachers involved.

    was the original special ed and Title 1 funding diverted to other accounts when the stimulus money came in to cover those expenses?


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