Thursday, April 22, 2010

WPS and going green

There's some information up on the WPS site on how the Tech department has been going green. To wit:
  • in buying refurbished, rather than new, computers, substantial amounts of energy use (that goes into making a new computer) are avoided, and old computers are not headed for a landfill.
  • technology that is too old to use is recycled
  • WPS computers are automatically shut down at night, saving an estimated $150,000 a year in utilities (and, incidentally, that program was written in house, which saved money, too)
  • computer tech support is managed by area rather than by quadrant


  1. just curious how big is the tech support staff? is the refurbishing privatiziced or in-house

  2. T, I think (and I think I'll be corrected by readers over there if I'm wrong ;) ) that WPS purchases refurbished computers when money allows them to purchase tech.
    I think the tech staff is four.


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