Saturday, March 13, 2010

That drop to foundation for Worcester?

$1.7 million

That was mentioned, but not figured into, the last budget projection we had.


  1. do you know anything Worcester Education Collaborative?

    Re: the cut to foundation budget, if the foundation budget is $100 million, and Mr. Allen saved "millions of dollars" in FY2011, would the millions revert to the city coffers?

    Would the city have met its foundation budget obligations if it appropriated 100 million the MR Allen saved 2 million for total foundation expenses of $98 million

  2. In short? No.
    Worcester is just at foundation, and has been for several years, with two exceptions. One was FY08, when you might remember there was a big community battle to get WPS to 2% over foundation; they eventually got to 0.2% over.
    The other would have been this year, when we were projected to be this $1.7 million over, due to the city's growth rate. That's no longer the case.

    So the savings I and others have cited have been in staving off other cuts.
    The state sets foundation, and Worcester sticks right at it.


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