Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Independent auditor's report

There will be more on this, as the School Committee also gets the independent auditor's report, and it will come up over there, too.
  • There's a few items related to the disbursement of grant funds. In most cases, it's a question of turnaround time, to which, in all those cases, management responds that this has been changed.
  • There's a straightforward disagreement, from what I understand, about periods of eligibility for the federal stimulus funds. Dates were changed, new reports were filed...you'll hear more on this.
  • While in most ways, the schools run their funding on the fiscal calendar, in electricity, the bills were being paid on the school calendar. This is the $800,000 you may have heard mentioned. This was allowed by the state (and there is case law to that end). However, starting this year, the schools will pay the electricity on the fiscal calendar.
  • There's an item regarding the student activity fund at South High--signatures and other record keeping items missing. The oversight called for is moving forward and management has changed.
Those are the items having to do with schools. Again, this will come up on the School Committee agenda and go to the Finance and Operations subcommittee for a full report.

1 comment:

  1. there was also a problem with six of the eleven student activity funds bank reconciliations for June 2009, not just South. What management change has been made since June 30 in the school business office?


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