Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Boston looks to close schools, $50 million gap

The Boston Globe is reporting today that the Superintendent in Boston is looking to close schools for next year, as Boston is facing a $50 million gap (no word on if that's based on Governor's budget or otherwise, but so far, the Governor's number is the only one we have).

It does not appear that the schools labeled "Level 4" last week are among them (I'm not sure they can get STG funding if they close, so those might well stay open).

Boston Public Schools have a $817.9 million budget for FY11. Worcester? A $333 million budget.

And a $6 million budget gap.


  1. wow our budget seams sizeable compared to Boston's based on what is posted above

  2. They're big numbers. You'd want to do a per-pupil comparison. What I do know is that Boston's foundation funding is out of whack; they get substantially more, percentage wise, than most communities, including Worcester, from the state.


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