Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Questions and comments from the members

Mrs. Mullaney asks if the 10th grade MCAS scores are first time test-takers (it's off the DoE site); yes, they get better over time (so, good point implicitly made by Mrs. Mullaney, do we want them to do it once only and make proficient? Yes, the superintendent says.)
Students tell her that they want to pass the MCAS sooner rather than later, so they can move forward

Mr. Foley says it makes since it makes sense to talk about this first; budget will focus on achievement of these goals
part of the question is where do they start, even in kindergarten? Front-loading literacy...especially in large class sizes moving forward into FY11
curriculum now all under CAO; early childhood now part of same curriculum as the rest of the district; seamless approach to the curriculum, says the superintendent
Mr. Foley comments on the high success of Head Start kids; partnerships with families and pre-K programs

Mr. Monfredo trend in primary grades--70% of kids needing improvement--something needs to be done. Head Start and preschool needs to expand; reaching out to not only parents, but teachers. "somehow or other" talking to staff to get them on board

Mr. O'Connell refers to "the compact which you've proposed for our consideration" (!: was it for their consideration?) says it's achievable, parents base decisions on whether their individual child is doing well (not MCAS scores) starting at teacher level
cultural issues within the school: are teachers setting as high standards as they can and should? are we supporting those who do? are the principals and admin supporting those teachers?
if day begins and ends with a level of excitement and children are excited about learning, the scores will follow (interesting theory...or do the two work against each other?)
"good plan, a good direction"
"You've just captured what we know makes a difference" --successful relationships--engagement with teachers(we then should make sure that keeping those teachers and keeping their excitement level up is central to what we are doing)

Ms. Hargrove: highest rates of illiteracy is in prison (? is that right?)
professional development of teachers talking to teachers, rather than a speaker coming in preschool and K development; critical time
interface with our service providers
How much do we have to say about what happens in our critical schools? A great deal, the superintendent says. MOU coming in January; "allows us to develop a plan for those support and develop our plan" (that'd be RTTT $) Someone from the state sitting in on our "leadership team meetings" (the administration meetings)...state partner at the table with us on a regular basis...a lot of latitude on what we do. Ongoing professional development
School committee will see plan for critical schools at January meeting

Mr. Bogigian "you have instilled confidence in the ranks and in the public...never said 'I don't think we can maintain the status quo, nevermind move forward' People...will fall in line."

Mayor asks what we do with this item: she says it's setting the stage for future work...superintendent reports will be under this catagory

Underperforming schools under a superintendent report: "this is a road map for us"

Mr. Monfredo asks how we're going to change what's going on with our primary grades (in MCAS scores); wants a report
Mr. O'Connell wants to approve the plan in concept; report back to SC at its disgression and as needed; asks that this plan be forwarded to CPPAC, SpedPAC (and I didn't catch who else)...approved
Superintendent says that this will be a foundation to evaluate her
Ms. Hargrove wants a very structured phoenics program in the lower elementary grades (from the national reading panel); this will be in the instructional audit


  1. Just an FYI..apparently the new management team, most of whom are from the secondary level, do not really know what happened in ECE prior to their arrival. Since the WPS early childhood division came under my purview, I can absolutely guarantee that ECE programs ALWAYS followed the WPS curriculum under both my watch and my predecessors. Not sure where Dr Boone is getting her information as she never asked me about any of this. Also, the consulant you are looking for is Doug Reeves. Perhaps if you Google that you can find out more info about him.

  2. I will so Google!

    I know that preschool is now using the same Houghton Mifflin program that the elementary grades are...perhaps that's it?


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