Friday, August 14, 2009

Coming soon to a campus near you... who've been educated under No Child Left Behind!

And the news isn't good:

Colleges and universities should get ready for the children of the No Child Left Behind by beefing up their remedial education departments. Despite a heavy emphasis on reading and math these past seven years, many students are still ill-prepared for college work. They have met state standards by official legerdemain. And given the federal government's exclusive focus on reading and math, most will enter college poorly educated in history, literature, science, geography, civics or almost any other subject one can think of.

1 comment:

  1. Which is what those of us at the local level have known was going to happen from the beginning. It's a clear case why education should be left to the local people and not bureaucrats in DC. And no, I'm not anti-Federalism, I'm just pro-common sense.


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