Friday, July 24, 2009

Administration: no money for states not allowing kids' test to evaluate teachers

One wonders how much time the President and Secretary will spend on this item: that Race to the Top funds will not go to states that refuse to allow student test scores to be a part of teacher evaluations:

To be eligible to apply for money, a “state must not have any legal, statutory or regulatory barriers to linking data on student achievement or student growth to teachers and principals for the purpose of teacher and principal evaluation,” according to a summary of the proposed rules.

The American Federation of Teachers says that it will be commenting during the 60 day period allowed. No comment, as yet, from the NEA.

1 comment:

  1. I don't entirely think it's appropriate to link test scores to teachers' performance. There are far too many factors that are beyond the ability of a teacher to control that impact a student's abiliy to test well that I believe it's unfair.


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