Monday, May 4, 2009

Smith: "our city" and more leading questions

Schools are "a major part of our city"
Hasn't been updated since 1991? No. There was "some pushback" in 1991; it "took a phone call up to the federal level" to let the schools know that the city could demand it.
Did the 1% cover costs?
They were asking for 2.1% then, so, no, 1% was not enough to cover costs then.
Has it kept pace with inflation?
"would venture to say that it hasn't kept" up with inflation

"There's a good chance that the city has been heavily subsiding" the schools, Smith says. Zidelis says that they would be at 3% now if it has been reassessed.

Zidelis points out that Ch.70 keeps up with the real costs each year, as it is looked at on an annual basis. Grants are not.

Smith wants to know what we're saving in the city with that school money: 20 jobs, says Zidelis. Even with those moneies coming in, we still will lose jobs.
"It would have a direct impact on the quality of life in the city," says Smith.
as opposed to the impact it will have on the schools?!?!

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