Thursday, April 2, 2009

Liveblogging School Committee: business subcommittee

Mr. Foley, speaking here of last night's hearing, "bringing great transparency" to the budget process, "given the uncertain nature" of the stimulus package.
compliments to Brian Allen: "more than 70 slides"
city of Worcester experienced some tremendous changes: "we are one city and one impacts all of us...cuts on our side impact quality of life"

reminder of the joint meeting on Monday, jointly with the Education Subcommittee of the City Council

Foley now reviews the motions from last night: medicaid numbers, and how much will the grants costs, ELL teachers, special ed...

Senator Moore now is speaking on state aid: revenue projections were higher than what we're seeing, and local options aren't probably going to pass. Usually the Governor has the lowest budget; this year, the Legislature is cutting, as the new projections are coming in lower.

March was down $100 million from the projection...we could be looking at a $500 million shortfall for this year. We'll need to hit the rainy day fund again, and that will make it even lower. We're also looking at a big hole for next year.
Stimulus money is going to help cities and town, but the number for local aid could be lower by the time the money comes through. We don't want to give you a wrong number, he says.
The Mayor asks when we'll know. He says once the tax info for the year comes in. Mid to late April, he says.
What about the stimulus money, the Mayor asks; will we get it all? He says he doesn't know, as he doesn't know what the House will do.
The Mayor jokes that he shouldn't come back again.."your honesty is necessary as we plan this budget" She comments that we've already started amputating.
Senator Moore warns that we shouldn't add programs, as we will have money for only two years.

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